Your º¬Ð߲ݴ«Ã½ Instruction Manual

Your º¬Ð߲ݴ«Ã½ Instruction Manual

  • Admitted student web page
  • Admitted student web page

by Gordie Coffin

Have you ever tried putting something together without bothering to read the instructions? You think you’re saving time. Then you realize the frame’s upside down and there’re four important-looking pieces left on the floor. 

We created our admitted student website to save you that headache. It has all the to-dos, dates and deadlines you need to help your student make a great transition.

Go ahead and bookmark this site to stay up to date. Think of it as your family’s º¬Ð߲ݴ«Ã½ instruction manual. 

Gordie Coffin



Gordie Coffin is director of admissions.

Dates to Remember: 

May 9-June 6 
New Student Registration 

June 7 or June 10 
New Student Orientation 

June 15 
Housing preference form updates and roommate requests due 

June 15 
Housing-related ADA accommodation requests due 

No later than August 19 
International student arrivals 

August 20 
New International Student Orientation 

August 21 
Move-in Day 

August 21-25 
Prairie Wolves Welcome 

August 26 
First day of classes